50 Years Melancholy

50 Years Depressed

I was speaking with my good friend, Kerry, and was reminded of riding a motorcycle with her on the back, holding me around my (at that time) flat stomach. How long has it been? Have I really been in a spiritual coma for 50 years? The thing about being insane is that it seems like the way the universe is supposed to be. There is nothing to compare it to. Then we surround ourselves with people who reinforce such negative assumptions that used to walk around with. But, when reminded of her wonderful scent, makes me know that there is so much more to the universe.

To awaken from an emotional and spiritual coma at 70 is wonderful. There is only one moment. And to live it fully makes unfulfilled moments of the so-called past irrelevant. A bad dream.

I commit to live each day to the fullest, or at least not spend them sleeping or fearing or eating my way to some semblance of serenity.